Some say that the best Shiny Pokemon will be added soon to Pokemon Go. If you are wondering who that Pokemon is, fans are saying that it is Rayquaza. Try pronouncing that without stuttering.
Shiny Rayquaza
Rayquaza is a Dragon/Flying class Pokemon and it first appeared in Pokemon Ruby and Saphire. It is being said the Rayquaza will come back as a Raid Boss with Legendary status. If that does not sound good, a shiny version of the Pokemon can be encountered in the wild. It will feature black skin and glowy circles from top to bottom.
The shiny version of Rayquaza will be available for players to capture during the course of 1 month. The Pokemon will star in Raid Battles, beginning with the 31st of July and ending with the 2nd of September.
Standard Rayquaza
Regular Rayuaza has a green serpent-like body similar to an Asia type dragon. It has wings that act like rudders along the body and on the tip of the tail. The Pokemon has two limbs that take the form of 3 clawed hands. 4 horns can be seen extending in different directions from the ear point.
The regular version of Rayquaza, which sounds like half New Yorker half Aztec, will always be available. It will hang around the gyms, flying around and just chilling. To know if the shiny version of the Pokemon has been encountered, players must complete the raid and see which boss comes on the screen.
Bonus Rewards
Players can also grab Kyogre and Groudon, which have been linked with Legendary Rayquaza in the past. The two Pokemon are potential rewards for the completion of Research Breakthroughs in August.
If you stumble upon Rayquaza, remember he’s weak against ice attacks so check your roster for that type of damage. If not, bring a popsicle or two. A good raid team for August could consist of Rock, Dragon, and Fairy classes of Pokemon.