1. Ive tried all these mentioned batteries and I can honestly say that zerolemon is the best choice. Its higher quality and lasts much longer than the other batteries! I get three days with heavy use. Also id like to add the case is much better than the other batteries. When I had mugen one drop and the cheap plastic case is cracked and destroyed. This happened four times with mugens case. this won’t happen with zerolemon because the case is higher quality a kind of hard rubber. Another thing the other batteries loose more and more charge over time. zerolemon does not do that. Zerolemon is by far the very best choice! With heavy use I get three full days out of my battery! Zerolemon is what a extended battery should be at a very affordable price. Why pay 100 dollars for something that will disappoint, ive made that mistake already! Zerolemon is really the best option and it won’t dispount

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