We come with great news for the jailbreak community. Developer Pwd20wnd has released the v3.3.0 betas for the Jailbreak that supports devices up to iOS 12.2. we are talking about this new firmware that comes with support because of the indulgence of Ned Williamson’s tfp0 exploit.
For the two beta versions, there are some significant changes
For Beta 1, there’s the Socket Puppet exploits on A7- A11 devices. It also removes the empty_list and muti_path exploits. It introduces the picker view, and not the kernel exploit segmented switch. It also comes with the code substitution platform for the picker view.
For Beta 2, it comes with fixes for all the preferences to be off by default.
How to get the Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 12.2
First of all, you need to download the latest beta update of unc0ver and the Cydia Impactor. You should save them in a folder. Then, open the Impactor dmg and put it into the Apps shortcut folder. Then, launch the Impactor app.
After this, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer by using a USB cable and then drop the previously downloaded unc0ver app to the Cydia Impactor app. Then, you need to enter the Apple ID and password. After you get signed it, the Jailbreak will be installed on your device. Open Settings and go to Device Management. Tap on the Trust button. Now you need to swipe up the bottom screen and go to the Control Centre. Turn the Airplane Mode on. Now you need to restart your phone and then launch the app. Then, tap the Jailbreak button. You need to keep restarting your phone and launching the app until you get a notification about the extraction of bootstrap. After you get it, you need to restart it one more time.