Fortnite 9.40 Update Available to Download For PC, Nintendo Switch and Consoles
It has been some time since Fortnite has received a consistent update with new content. The devs from Epic games have come up with update 9.40 which can be downloaded on consoles, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile. The update brings new content in the form…
Scientists Might Have Just Found a Blood Test for Alzheimer’s
Scientists have reached one of their oldest goals: a blood test that can see if people have possible signs of the Alzheimer’s disease and any other form of dementia. A team of researchers has given us new results on different experimental tests, including one that…
Best Minecraft Mods of 2019 Available to Download
Even after passing its 10 year anniversary, Minecraft seems to be going strong and getting better and better thanks to the community that it spawned. People like Minecraft. A LOT. It still is in the top 3 most played games in 2019. Before going in…
New Clues as to Why Women are More Affected by Alzheimers Than Men
A new study shows some biological differences as to why women might be more exposed to developing Alzheimer’s disease than men, and how this varies by sex. Women Have a Higher Risk This Tuesday, the scientists at the Alzheimer’s Assn. International Conference in Los Angeles…
Smart Meal Prepping Hacks To Help You Lose Weight
Trying to lose weight can sometimes be tricky. This is why meal prepping started to receive so much attention lately, as it motivates you and helps you stay on track. Besides the huge benefit of not having to cook every day, meal prepping can also…