West Nile virus outbreak in the vicinity of Omaha

People enjoy summer a lot, it’s the season when most of us go on more vacations, the days last longer and nature is as lively as it can be. Unfortunately for us, mosquitoes like summer too. Health officials from Omaha, Nebraska say that those who…

New Clues as to Why Women are More Affected by Alzheimers Than Men

A new study shows some biological differences as to why women might be more exposed to developing Alzheimer’s disease than men, and how this varies by sex. Women Have a Higher Risk This Tuesday, the scientists at the Alzheimer’s Assn. International Conference in Los Angeles…

Smart Meal Prepping Hacks To Help You Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight can sometimes be tricky. This is why meal prepping started to receive so much attention lately, as it motivates you and helps you stay on track. Besides the huge benefit of not having to cook every day, meal prepping can also…

Eating Fatty Foods Can Lead To MS Fatigue

A new paper published in PLOS One offers essential information to patients suffering from progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). According to the researchers, a healthy diet, including fruits, vegetables, and fats, but low in carbohydrates, can help these patients reduce their feeling of fatigue. The experts…

Origin of Life on Earth found

Scientists have uncovered the origins of life on Earth. Their results show that life formed around 4 billion years ago. The first cells to ever exist on the planet formed from a mixture of elements that were rich in carbon. Resulting in the creation of…

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