Moon Bears the Living Creatures from Outer Space

If we can imagine life on other planets, of course we are thinking of human-like creatures. But some recent studies show us that we can encounter animals, as well. How important is this thing for science and how can we benefit from it? Moon strikes again with the most intriguing fact, yet.

The fact that there is a possibility to find life on Moon, changes all the theories that the scientists built their studies, in a good way, of course. These creatures found on the spacecraft that returned successfully from missions are quite intriguing when it comes to analyzing them. They seem indestructible in a way that they are so resistant at radiation, for example, or some of the coldest temperatures of the outer space. We must acknowledge the fact that these are not aliens at all, they are, as scientists officially named them, microscopic Earthlings, also known as tardigrades.

Scientists proved the fact that the creatures bravely survive on a spacecraft through the tumultuous travel back to Earth, when they took a closer look and analyzed the spacecraft’s route and the structure of the device the micro-creatures were kept in.

Nova Spivack, the co-founder of the non-profit Arch Mission Foundation (AFP), stated that the so-called Moon water bears that were identified, they are actually tardigrades, with a multicellular structure and one of the most resistant forms of life in our planet. He also came with more details about their size, about a millimeter in size.

Tardigrades or water bears, sometimes even called moss piglets, are capable of living in both land and water, succeeding to survive and develop at some of the highest temperatures that could reach 150 degrees Celsius, and even the lowest ones, somewhere between minus 200 and minus 272 degrees Celsius. The creatures possess the incredible number of eight legs and have one of the most incredible skills, to come back at their structure after they were dehydrated. Also, they could easily survive a severe burning and even a small pressure on the Moon.

In order to survive, scientists explained the fact that they will always need water and air, letting them live for quite a long time.

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