Unc0ver Jailbreak iOS 12.2: How to Get It?

We come with great news for the jailbreak community. Developer Pwd20wnd has released the v3.3.0 betas for the Jailbreak that supports devices up to iOS 12.2. we are talking about this new firmware that comes with support because of the indulgence of Ned Williamson’s tfp0…
Thunder Moon: Here’s What Happened with Tuesday’s Partial Lunar Eclipse

On Tuesday night, there was a full moon – Thunder has glowed brightly. For those of you who wanted to see it, it must have been great, sincer you were also able to see see Saturn and Jupiter onto Moon’s right for the most of…
Amazon Prime vs. Netflix – Top Differences, Advantages and Improvements

Don’t rush to say that you will choose Netflix and chill for always and forever. Netflix is not the only media streaming service that can give you movies, TV series, and videos in the industry. Of course, you know that thanks to the evolution of…
Hubble Telescope to Discover a Black Hole Disc – Why Is This Important?

Astronomers that use the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have found an unexpected thin disc of a specific material that is circling a supermassive black hole in the center of the spiral galaxy NGC 3147. It is placed 130 million light-years away. The presence of this…
Spotify vs. Spotify Lite – Which One To Download?

Currently, one of the most undisputed champion app for online music streaming is Spotify. This excellent application is available for Android and iOS with millions of subscribers. Of course, Spotify is not surviving without competitors, such as YouTube Music, but Spotify maintains the leadership. The…